ALICE Report for Illinois



ALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, is a new way of defining and understanding the struggles of households that earn above the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford a bare-bones household budget.


For far too many families, the cost of living outpaces what they earn. These households struggle to manage even their most basic needs - housing, food, transportation, child care, health care, and necessary technology.


When funds run short, cash-strapped households are forced to make impossible choices, such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent, filling a prescription or fixing the car. These short-term decisions have long-term consequences not only for ALICE families, but for all of us.


The ALICE report shows the issues in Illinois by county.  Check out the reports below: 


Illinois State Report 2022 - Released 2024


ALICE by County


Focus on Veterans:


Presentation on COVID and ALICE


Find out more at Illinois | UnitedForALICE  and Illinois | UnitedForALICE