Thank you to our 2023/2024 Campaign Donors. In Logan County we are United in Purpose!
Academic Development Institute
American Environmental Waste Co. DBA D & D Complete Sewer Service and Portables
Steven and Marjorie Aper
Brooke Ballance
The Atlanta National Bank
Nancy Bammann
Donald and Alison Behle
Charlotte Bennett
Janice and Richard Bicknell
John and Barb Blackburn
Garland Brinner and Associates
Terrica and Bruce Buchholz
The Caterpillar Foundation
Employees of Caterpillar
Dr. Dennis Carroll
Gerald and Nancy Carter
Karen Castelein
Marilyn Craig
The Dalpoas Family Charitable Fund
Dennis and Ann Davis
William and Janice Dickerson
Kirk and Ellen Dobihal
Jim and Lisa Drew
Eaton Corporation
Employees of Eaton Corporation in Lincoln, Illinois
Teena Feldman
Nancy Gehlbach
Robert and Nina Gleason
Bob and Tami Goodrich
Dennis Graue
Employees of Graue Chevrolet Buick
Robert and Marilyn Greathouse
Robert and Ruth Green
Rachel Grizzle
Tim and Linda Harmon
Heartland Bank and Trust Company
Employees of Heartland Bank and Trust Company
Marcia Howen
State of Illinois Department of Revenue - Revenue Employees Club
Illinois Mutual Employee Match
Mary Beth Jackson
Carla Jurgenson
Dr. Robert and June Kidd
Alan and Barb Kline
Elaine Knight
Wayne LaForge
James and Marcia Larson
John Larson
Lincoln Land Communications, Inc.
Vince and Janet Long
Don and Jeanne Ludwig
Tom and Barbara Mauhar
Gail McShane
ME Realty
Stephen L. Miller, Miller and Miller Attorneys
Carol Mills
Victoria Moffett
Teresa Pourchot
Doug and Judy Rader
Rohlfs Implement Company
Wanda L. Rohlfs
Mike and Darla Rohrer
Randall Schrader
Karen Schwantz
Mitzie Sharos-Welsh
Doug and Pam Sheley
Rick and Mary J. Sheley
James and Mary Shelton
Jeff and Brenda Short
Dr. Don and Janice Sielaff
Gary and Anne Stoltzenburg
Mylla Streenz
Sugar Creek Orthodontics
Richard Sumrall
Marla Unser
Marcia Warner
Welch Packaging
Danny and Marilyn Wheat
WLCN 96.3