Children's Book Exchange Held August 18th

In order to promote childhood literacy and support education, The United Way of Logan County sponsored a children's book exchange in conjunction with the City of Lincoln's Third Friday events held on August 18th.  Children were encourage to pick out donated books to read.  A follow up event will be held at the 3rd Friday Event in September on September 15th.   Kids age birth through 10 can bring books to donate and pick up a new/slightly used book to read, or just get a book.  Reading is fundamental to academic success, and we want to encourage that activitie as much as possible. 

Don't have a reader?  Here are some tips to encourage reading:

Let your child choose what they want to read.  Take a trip to library and look at all the options.  

Read to your child.  Establish a routine for reading every day.  Maybe before bed or at snack time. 

Read aloud together.  It is never too early to start reading together, and older kids can read to the younger siblings. 

Talk about what you are reading.  Ask questions about what you have read to increase skills in comprehension. 

Show your child that you enjoy reading.  Let them see you reading!